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Grading Scale

The following grading scale will be used for all students at Madison Southern and Ignite except for those students using a modified grading scale as noted in their individual education plan.  

A:  100-90 
B:  89 - 80 
C:  79-70 
D:  69-60
F:  61-0       

Grading Point Average for students taking an AP Class are calculated on a weighted scale.  This means that when calculating G.P.A. the following point values will be used.    A - 5 points, B - 4 points, C = 3 points, D - 2 points, and F = 0 points.

Final Grade Calculations for Ignite South:
Final credit at the end of each semester are calculated as follows: 

1st Term - 45%
2nd Term - 45%
Final Exam - 10%